Dan Yeffet, the explorer of unknown lands

July 2021 119 avenue Daumesnil

Dan Yeffet, the explorer of unknown lands

He could have become an architect, but he chose design. Dan Yeffet is an unclassifiable, a tireless discoverer of new territories.

An infinite territory

The "Yeffet" vocabulary is fed by these evocations that feed the fertile imagination of the extraordinary journey, the journey that makes you dream. Dan defines himself as an explorer, a traveller, a researcher who pushes the boundaries, flouts definitions and never stops imagining how dreams can come true. The "comfort zone" so dear to our contemporaries does not exist, it is the tireless quest for a "new elsewhere" in design that drives this man's desires. To do this, Dan Yeffet investigates, searches and searches again how to access new forms, new volumes. He experiments with new techniques, mixing craft know-how and technology. Technique is never a brake in his creative process. Never hindered by a technique he does not know, he seeks to master it to serve the cause of his creation.
What moves Dan Yeffet? The ability to pursue the journey of an endless quest, of an infinite territory to which he sets no limits.

Inspiration is work

Dan Yeffet's practice avoids the thorny and very French question of classification, of fitting into a box. It is impossible to categorise the work of this cosmopolitan Israeli who attended the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, before opening his studio in France. He is more interested in exploring new territories, playing with definitions and the obvious. The unknown as a promise of creation, technical mastery as a hope for the unprecedented, intellectual adventure as a duty of perfection; and the discipline of design according to Dan Yeffet explores all possibilities. New objects and new spaces are created. Dan Yeffet plays with clichés; thus inspiration is work. Far from the romantic clichés of an artist subjected to the roll of an inspiration, of an inspired backwash from which one awaits the divine occurrence, Dan Yeffet provokes and surprises by affirming that inspiration is above all a question of requirement.

A daily gymnastics of the mind

Soliciting "a brain muscle"; this is how Dan Yeffet describes his work, his practice of demanding design, in search of perfection. And to practice this intellectual gymnastics with his team on a daily basis. Design is an activity that requires discipline and a demand on the mind, on the brain, just as a dancer demands and works every muscle in his body every day. Design is real work; in the noble and beautiful sense of giving birth to new forms and expressions between space and objects. As such, the rigour of the approach is akin to a strict discipline. The constant preoccupation with the end user, the client, the viewer, the lover of forms, is the second credo of this designer who still believes in abolishing the boundaries of creation. Without hindrance or prejudice he travels the shores of a world open to infinity.

Dan Yeffet's work can be found all over the world. The fruit of this design adventurer's explorations can be seen at the New Design Museum in Chicago, the Museum of Art's "Visual Delight" in Philadelphia, the Maritime Museum in New London-US, the Modam Museum in Luxembourg, the Fonds National d'Art Contemporain (FNAC) in Paris, the V&A in London and the Design Museum in Holon, Israel. He will be present at the PDW from 13 to 21 September to present B/Light, a luminous object, a bold luminary.

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